Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Eraser Wrap

Thin THICKness Wraps
Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Eraser Wrap
Eraser says it all, has that grip feel but not sticky, making it best suited for dry hands. Allows easy hand adjustment without losing traction. Use on any type of handle such as tennis, foosball and more. Semi-perforated, less sticky, good traction with a softer feel for dry hands.
Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Eraser Wrap
Item #:AW-TTRthine

Eraser says it all, has that grip feel but not sticky, making it best suited for dry hands. Allows easy hand adjustment without losing traction. Use on any type of handle such as tennis, foosball and more.

Semi-perforated, less sticky, good traction with a softer feel for dry hands.
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