Home > Gift Ideas     > Thin Wrap Special - 8 Thin TS wraps with colored bands and sticker! OUT OF STOCK

Thin Wrap Special - 8pack of Thin TS Wraps

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Thin Wrap Special - 8 Thin TS wraps with colored bands and sticker! OUT OF STOCK
4 pink, 4 orange thin perforated Tony Spredeman wraps and 8 green reusable wrap bands & a foosball . com decal!
Thin Wrap Special - 8 Thin TS wraps with colored bands and sticker! OUT OF STOCK
Item #:AW-TSwrap8thin
This item is currently out of stock!

4 pink, 4 orange thin perforated Tony Spredeman wraps and 8 green reusable wrap bands & a foosball . com decal!

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Thick Masterwraps, Thick Thickness, High Tackiness Wrap
Gummi Grip for Tornado (Latex-free)

Masterwraps have risen to become a leader in overwrap sports grips!

Founded more than 10 years ago by top rated (Master) foosball professionals to meet the the unique demands of tournament foosball, it's still going strong and being sought after for use in other applications from Tennis to Fishing

The Super Durable fabric base makes this .75mm wrap thin yet very durable for tournament play where you have to constantly move your wraps between tables.

This is the top used brand/style overwrap on tour and a preferred grip of foosers of the foosball.com warehouse!...
...We throw in a reusable wrap band to hold the grip in place.


Custom Silicone Slide On (Pull On) Grips for Tornado Foosball Tables. Improve your grip when playing at home, on tour, or in your local foos club. Stretch and pull these silicone grips over the handle and you are ready to foos! Easy to roll them off the handle when you are done! They are even "REVERSIBLE": try them inside out or ridged side toward handle for a different feel that is preferred by many foosers,

- Thin walled grip, 12 raised friction strips, great with gloves.

- Latex-Free Product.

- Price is per each grip.

Sale: $4.00
Gummi Grip for Tornado (Latex-free) AG-GummiGripT
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