Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Sticky Wrap

Thin THICKness Wraps
Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Sticky Wrap
Made of a less stretchy, semi-perforated thin material that is ultra sticky. Suited for dry hands but can absorb some sweat. Less stretch than in our thin grips and more tacky to the touch. Longer lasting with clean dry hands
Thin Masterwraps - Thin Thickness, High Tackiness Sticky Wrap
Item #:AW-TTRthins

Made of a less stretchy, semi-perforated thin material that is ultra sticky. Suited for dry hands but can absorb some sweat.

Less stretch than in our thin grips and more tacky to the touch. Longer lasting with clean dry hands

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